Shomrim Favorite Ministry Links: *OCT 7* Canadian movie caslled 'The Killing Roads'. A
Memorial RE the 1200 brutally killed Israelis at City Of David Archeology Site here! Golan Webcams: #1 site Zefat #2 Hula Valley 'Why Stand with Israel?' The best overview that we have seen: see highlights and order your DVD or Download here! MJLT - New Version Bible - New Bible here! Hope For Our Times: -watch here! Worthy Ministries (Baht Rivka Whitten & Husband): Baht Rivka Whitten URL: David Bosky: David's Tent New Mt. Sinai Thinking Man Movies: The Chosen Seasson 1,2&3(Canada) Dead Sea Scolls New CBN: David New Temple Secrets Secrets Prophets and Kings - P&K New CBN - the Old Testament - here! Bryan Wyndall - Island Chappel - Bible Archaeology Reports - from ABR - Bryan Wyndall from Canada -videos here! Jewish Film site: Reach Initiative International. Rabbi Stuart W. : First Century Foundations[formerly Operation Outreach]: First Century Foundations - Donations! Please review the ministries on the site and give to that ministry in a show of faith and complete Rom 15:27! ICEJ Canada: Hope for Liberia Appian Ministries: Joel Kramer: Archeaologist in the Nean East - Mormon rebuttals also here Hebrew for Christians: is a great site like FFOZ giving Jewish background and teachings for believers in Yeshua - including learning Hebrew! Passages: Answers in Genesis: Great site for Genesis questions here!! Old Writings: Early Manuscripts
One Israel:
Interesting One New Man, FIVE Alive & Messianic topics: Rabbi Jonathan Cahn: Aaron Lipken Tours: Here! Tours and archeology videos! Pastor Mark Biltz: Intriguing insights into the signs of heaven announcing our Messiah's arrival and great weekly Torah teaching too! C ity Of David Messianic Synagogue Congregation Beth Yeshua Samaritans Pusre Canada: Hope for Liberia: click here! Olive Tree Ministries - Jan Markel: Voice of the Martyrs: Christian Cinema: Ukraine's Book of Executioners: Here! Dr. Chuck Missler: Bless his memory - he taught a lot of things well and here is his site for seeing what you want to buy! First Fruits of Zion: This site has good Messianic Teachings from Shabbat Teachings to video teachings. There are also some good emails to sign up for too. Nazarene Document: Find out
about the background on the earliest believers in Yeshua - the Nazarenes!
Arieh Ben David - Yad Hashmona: For the Operation Outreach 25th Anniversary Tour, we were introduced to our Tour Guide Arieh who really gave us a spiritual and historical background of everywhere we went. This is the website for the town where he lives. Please review it as it has some very interesting things to do in Israel on your next trip!
Follow Tomas Sandell, Founding Director of European Coalition for Israel: Aramaic Bible in Plain English: Here! This link proides you with a source of Aramiac from a few sources. Sometimes incorrect interjections but just read through those - good source. Good messianic materials - here!
Bible Tools: BibleGateway - Read along lots of Bible versions and you can hear the Bible being read too... Aramaic Tools- try this to get a 1st Century understanding of the Greek texts. On this site, choose your NT book, choose the Peshitta source and fonts, then I like to choose the 2010 Greek and KJV in the other NT editions. Then click on the 'show me the verses' button on the button of the page. The when the verses are displayed, choose the 'analyze' button along side of the verses you want to see with the Aramaic translation. Also, Gospel Aramaic Study Scripture For All: Hebrew and Greek with
meannings not just KingJames!!
Lamsa Aramaic Old and New Testaments: https://lamsabible.wordpress.comTry this link to get at an Old Testament link to the Aramaic Bible. This is still a 'churchy' version but some of the interpretations shed a new light. Study Biblical Maps of Jerusalem: look at maps here! Biblos Tool - This site has an Interlinear tool, an Atlas area and it has so much - try it out! New BETA Israel Bible - from Israel: Bible Places: See the area in the Bible that you are studying here at: Strongs number listings: Basic English Bible: Interesting new version bible: Jewish Encyclopedia - great source for Torah readings: Hebrew Gamatria: Good background on numbers in the word and their meaning: 117 Jweish Videos: This is a group pf shows with some cool youtube videos here! |
Jewish Links of Interest: Dr. Ben Gigi - Great site for Bible Transliterations and other great aids Chumash Artscroll Site here it is! DO It in Hebrew: Great site BUT you will have to join :-): Doit! Hamiltom Jewish Calendar: Adas Israel Synagogue - here Rabbi Green Toronto Jewish Calendar: Reform Jewish Blessings and Chanting: here Toronto Holocaust Museum - here
US Holocaust Museum
JL Virtual Holocaust: here! Azrieli Foundation (Canada) Canadian Holocaust memorials and books Rabbi Berel Wein: MyJewishLearning emails & Site: Here! Doing Jewish in Toronto - follow the Doing Jewish in Toronto site to see what's going on in Toronto! here! Israel Antiquities: Jewish History - This site helps with lots of areas of Jewish
history you may not be aware of and there's lots of learning here -
Karaites: Learn about their beliefs here! Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio: This site helps out with some good basic Hebrew phrases... Bat and Bar Mitvah: Torah primer - great site! Hebrew Word Pictures: This looks at the ancient Hebrew word pictures - very cool: Rabbi David Forhman Torah Teaching: Very interesting insights for your Torah readings! This Jewish site offers some very insightful looks into the weeks Torah readings from a Judaism perspective: Jewish Language study from Danny Ben Gigi's Hebrew World: Jewish Calendar: or Anne Frank Site: This site has very interesting stories about Anne such as the house she hid in - the Annex. Her diaries are the second best selling book in the world - after the Bible. Very good links from here too. Yad Vashem: This is the Holocaust or 'Shoah' site in Israel that commemorates 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust - this is a very good site for a complete overview of the atrocity at the hands of the Nazis through WW II US Holocaust Museum: in Washington, D.C. The Simon Wiesenthal Center: The Kotel: Watch 'who's praying at the Kotel!' @ Choose cameras from the Main Plaza, Prayer Plaza and Wilson's Arch - sometimes there is sound available - this is in real time! |