'Shomrim' Ministry - Our Mission Statement
"We are ambassadors for Messiah who has given us the ministry of reconciliation.. (2 Cor 5:20)" As we lead worship/intercession, our prayer is that the Lord changes the atmosphere bringing His presence and joy along with His Shalom!
For He is our peace, who made both one, and broke down the middle wall of partition.. (Eph. 2:14) As we study the Word, we view the Torah and the Haftorah through the New Covenant. Our prayer is to bring Jew and non-Jew together with One shepherd and One flock as Yeshua prayed (John 10:16). One of our mandates (based on Mathew 25:40 - brethren meaning 'adelphos' Greek for from the womb) is ministering to Yeshua's kin by donating and raising funds for groups in Israel as the Lord leads.